
Message Transfer Part for Signaling System 7

MTP is part of the Signaling System 7 used for communication in Public Switched Telephone Networks. MTP is responsible for reliable, unduplicated and in-sequence transport of SS7 messages between communication partners. This library is closely related to the libosmosccp library.


Library for Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP)

SCCP is a network layer protocol that provides extended routing, flow control, segmentation, connection-orientation, and error correction facilities in Signaling System 7 telecommunications networks. It is heavily used in cellular networks such as GSM.


OpenSSL Encryption backend for Hiera (puppetserver integration)

A backend for Hiera that provides per-value encryption of sensitive data within yaml files to be used by Puppet.


Spec-conformant JavaScript parser for the HTML5 srcset attribute

A javascript parser for the HTML5 srcset attribute, based on the WHATWG reference algorithm. It has an extensive test suite based on the W3C srcset conformance checker. It conforms to the jQuery JSCS style rules.


system for analyzing bacterial RNA-seq data

Rockhopper is a comprehensive and user-friendly system for computational analysis of bacterial RNA-seq data. As input, Rockhopper takes RNA sequencing reads output by high-throughput sequencing technology (FASTQ, QSEQ, FASTA, SAM, or BAM files). Rockhopper supports the following tasks:


Osmocom SCCP support library for generating and parsing messages

SCCP is a network layer protocol that provides extended routing, flow control, segmentation, connection-orientation, and error correction facilities in Signaling System 7 telecommunications networks. It is heavily used in cellular networks such as GSM. This library is used to provide generating and parsing message facilities.