
PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Scatter Operations

This package consists of a small extension library of highly optimized sparse update (scatter and segment) operations for the use in PyTorch, which are missing in the main package. Scatter and segment operations can be roughly described as reduce operations based on a given "group-index" tensor. Segment operations require the "group-index" tensor to be sorted, whereas scatter operations are not subject to these requirements.


Free Remote Desktop Protocol library (client library)

FreeRDP is a libre client/server implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).


fast-paced action strategy game for Linux based on SDL

Unlike most RTS, you are not controlling units, but focus on high-level strategic planning: Building infrastructure, securing resources, and moving your armies. The core game mechanics turns out to be quite close to WWI-WWII type of warfare, however, there is no explicit reference to any historical period.


GTK-based panel and background client for Wayfire

Package wf-shell contains various components needed to build a fully functional DE based around wayfire. Currently it has only a GTK-based panel and background client.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-mempool-cnxk runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-lpm runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.