GSM A-bis handling
This library contains common/shared code regarding the A-bis interface between
the GSM Base transceiver station (BTS) and the GSM Base station controller BSC.
Python bindings for Qt 6 OpenGL module (Python 3)
pyside6 provides Python bindings for Qt 6.x framework.
MIME message parser and creator library
GMime provides a core library and set of utilities which may be used for the
creation and parsing of messages using the Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extension (MIME).
Eclipse Cyclone DDS IDL library
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source
implementation of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard by the
Object Management Group (OMG) and the related wire protocol for
interoperability (RTPS). It is developed completely in the open as an
Eclipse IoT project with a growing list of adopters, and has become a
tier-1 middleware for the Robot Operating System (ROS 2).
Eclipse Cyclone DDS library
Eclipse Cyclone DDS is a very performant and robust open-source
implementation of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard by the
Object Management Group (OMG) and the related wire protocol for
interoperability (RTPS). It is developed completely in the open as an
Eclipse IoT project with a growing list of adopters, and has become a
tier-1 middleware for the Robot Operating System (ROS 2).
High-level C binding for ZeroMQ
czmq (previously known as libzapi) provides a high-level C binding for
0MQ, a lightweight messaging library.