
Persistent key-value database with network interface

Redict is a distributed, in-memory key/value store (a remote dictionary, if you will). Redict is an independent fork of Redis OSS 7.2.4 licensed under the Lesser GNU General Public license (LGPL-3.0-only).


C++20 coroutines for Qt5 - DBus

QCoro is a C++ library that provide set of tools to make use of C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt5 actions.


C++20 coroutines for Qt5 - QML

QCoro is a C++ library that provide set of tools to make use of C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt5 actions.


C++20 coroutines for Qt5 - QtQuick

QCoro is a C++ library that provide set of tools to make use of C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt5 actions.


C++20 coroutines for Qt5 - WebSockets

QCoro is a C++ library that provide set of tools to make use of C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt5 actions.


C++20 coroutines for Qt6 - Core

QCoro is a C++ library that provide set of tools to make use of C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt6 actions.