
Zhuyin input method library

The libzhuyin project aims to provide the algorithms core for intelligent sentence-based Chinese zhuyin input methods. libzhuyin can be integrated with input method framework likes ibus, fcitx, etc. to provide a zhuyin based input method for Traditional Chinese user.


C++ Wrapper for pango (shared libraries)

Pangomm is a C++ wrapper for the pango library. Originally part of gtkmm, pangomm provides convenient C++ interfaces for handling both the layout and internationalization of text in graphical applications.


Find Python project root paths and return relative project files

This library finds the root working directory for your Python project as a 'pathlib' object.


PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data

LIDAR sensors quickly produce millions of points with large numbers of variables measured on each point. The challenge for a point cloud database extension is efficiently storing this data while allowing high fidelity access to the many variables stored.


Modular, themeable status line generator for the i3 window manager

bumblebee-status is a status line generator for the i3 window manager.


C++ HTTP/HTTPS server and client library

cpp-httplib is a C++11 cross platform HTTP/HTTPS library, with a focus on ease of use. This is a multi-threaded 'blocking' HTTP library. If you are looking for a 'non-blocking' library, this is not the one that you want.