
Shared library for lttoolbox

The lttoolbox contains the augmented letter transducer tools for natural language processing used by Apertium, a platform for building rule-based and hybrid machine translation systems. The software is also useful for making morphological analysers and generators for natural language processing applications.


approximate string-matching routines

SecondString is a Java toolkit for developing and evaluating approximate string comparison operators. It includes abstract classes for various edit-distance based comparators and concrete implementations of several published approximate comparators.


Node.js module that generates an asynchronous resolver function from a PAC file

node-pac-resolver accepts a JavaScript String of code, which is meant to be a PAC proxy file, and returns a generated asynchronous FindProxyForURL() functions.


Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (development files)

This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications.


Lightweight C++17 distributed hash table implementation

OpenDHT is a lightweight C++17 Distributed Hash Table implementation.


Manage a local certificate authority for self-signed localhost

This provides a convenient API for generating per-user self-signed root certificates, is useful for development.