
Pure Python implementation of the interval set data structure

An interval set (provided as the ProcSet class) is a memory-efficient representation of closed-interval sets. A ProcSet is an hybrid between a set and a list of indexes. More precisely, a ProcSet object is an ordered collection of unique non-negative int. It supports most of set operations: notably membership testing, mathematical operations such as intersection, union, and (symmetric) difference; with the additional ability to access its elements by position.


Python client for the OpenShift API (Python 3)

Python client for the Kubernetes and OpenShift APIs. There are two ways this project interacts with the Kubernetes and OpenShift APIs. The first, now deprecated, is to use models and functions generated with swagger from the API spec. The second, new approach, is to use a single model and client to generically interact with all resources on the server. The dynamic client also works with resources that are defined by aggregated API servers or Custom Resource Definitions.


QGIS - shared 3d library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.


QGIS - shared core library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.


Density matrix renormalization group algorithm

DMRGPP / DMRG++ is an implementation of the Density matrix renormalization group algorithm which attempts to find the lowest-energy matrix product state wavefunction corresponding to the total energy of the system. DMRGPP embeds the PsimagLite utility to obtain codes for the simulation of strongly correlated electrons.


Utility library for evolution data servers

The data server, called "Evolution Data Server" is responsible for managing calendar and addressbook information.