
GNU C compiler (cross compiler for mips64r6el architecture)

This is the GNU C compiler, a fairly portable optimizing compiler for C.


Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis

Open-source Python library for the exploratory analysis of spatial data. A subpackage of PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library), it is under active development and includes methods for global and local spatial autocorrelation analysis.


Calibration and SFM library

A photogrammetry toolkit that provides improved methods for making and using camera models (calibration, tracking, mapping, etc). The focus is on calibration and uncertainty propagation to produce the most accurate models possible. This package provides the Python interfaces


mutable object-based log format for Node.js

A mutable object-based Node.js log format designed for chaining & objectMode streams.


GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mips64r6el

This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++.


Binary add support for sphinx-multiversion

Sphinx extension for building self-hosted versioned documentation. Aims to provide a clean implementation that tries to avoid messing with Sphinx internals as much as possible.