
Windows Portable Runtime library

WinPR is a spin-off project of FreeRDP which aims at providing a portable implementation of important portions of the Windows API. Just like FreeRDP, WinPR is released under the Apache license. Unlike Wine, WinPR does not provide binary compatibility, and does not require applications to be built for Windows. Instead, WinPR provides API compatibility for applications targeting non-Windows environments. When on Windows, the original native API is being used instead of the equivalent WinPR implementation, without having to modify the code using it.


raphf module for PHP

A reusable split-off of pecl_http persistent handle and resource factory API.


PHP wrapper for libsmbclient

smbclient is a PHP extension that uses Samba's libsmbclient library to provide Samba related functions and 'smb' streams to PHP programs.


Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster - SCSI-3 reservation agent

Red Hat Fence Agents is a collection of scripts to handle remote power management for several devices. They allow failed or unreachable nodes to be forcibly restarted and removed from the cluster.


Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster - Fujitsu-Siemens RSB agent

Red Hat Fence Agents is a collection of scripts to handle remote power management for several devices. They allow failed or unreachable nodes to be forcibly restarted and removed from the cluster.


Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster - RHEV-M REST API agent

Red Hat Fence Agents is a collection of scripts to handle remote power management for several devices. They allow failed or unreachable nodes to be forcibly restarted and removed from the cluster.