
Python API for evaluating glyph sets in font projects

This Python module provides an API with data about glyph sets for many different scripts and languages. This was crafted to specify the sets of characters that fonts in the Google Fonts collection are expected to provide glyphs for.


Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator shared library

NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement.


IDE for Free Pascal - LCL source code

Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more.


HDF5 High Level runtime files - MPICH2 version

Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) is a file format and library for storing scientific data. HDF5 was designed and implemented to address the deficiencies of HDF4.x. It has a more powerful and flexible data model, supports files larger than 2 GB, and supports parallel I/O.


HDF5 High Level C++ runtime files - MPICH2 version - unsupported

Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) is a file format and library for storing scientific data. HDF5 was designed and implemented to address the deficiencies of HDF4.x. It has a more powerful and flexible data model, supports files larger than 2 GB, and supports parallel I/O.


Differential transcript usage and tuQTL analyses with

Dirichlet-multinomial model in RNA-seq The package provides two frameworks. One for the differential transcript usage analysis between different conditions and one for the tuQTL analysis. Both are based on modeling the counts of genomic features (i.e., transcripts) with the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution. The package also makes available functions for visualization and exploration of the data and results.