
GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (shared library subset kit) (powerpc)

This is used to develop subsets of the libstdc++ shared libraries for use on custom installation floppies and in embedded systems.


Javascript test suite with minimal hassle

TAD is a Javascript test suite that allow writing tests with minimal hassle. It locates test file and provide tested module for test functions.


visual servoing platform vision library

This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) computer vision runtime library.


LLVM low level support for a standard C++ library

libc++abi is another implementation of low level support for a standard C++ library.


C++ framework for optimizing graph-based nonlinear error functions

A wide range of problems in robotics as well as in computer-vision involve the minimization of a non-linear error function that can be represented as a graph. Typical instances are simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) or bundle adjustment (BA). The overall goal in these problems is to find the configuration of parameters or state variables that maximally explain a set of measurements affected by Gaussian noise. g2o is an open-source C++ framework for such nonlinear least squares problems. g2o has been designed to be easily extensible to a wide range of problems and a new problem typically can be specified in a few lines of code. The current implementation provides solutions to several variants of SLAM and BA. g2o offers a performance comparable to implementations of state-of-the-art approaches for the specific problems (02/2011)


extra string functions for OCaml (runtime files)

Extra string functions for OCaml. Mainly splitting. All functions are in the Stringext module.