
Open-Source Computational Structural Biology Framework

OpenStructure aims to provide an open-source, modular, flexible, molecular modelling and visualization environment. It is targeted at interested method developers in the field of structural bioinformatics.


C data types for FFI

FFI::C provide tools for building classes to interface for common C data types. Arrays, struct, union and nested types based on those are supported.


COBOL compiler - runtime library

This package contains the runtime library for gnucobol.


methods for assembling, parsing, manipulating and serialising SICIs

A "Serial Item and Contribution Identifier" (SICI) is a code (ANSI/NISO standard Z39.56) used to uniquely identify specific volumes, articles or other identifiable parts of a periodical.


Open-Source Computational Structural Biology Framework

OpenStructure aims to provide an open-source, modular, flexible, molecular modelling and visualization environment. It is targeted at interested method developers in the field of structural bioinformatics.


Catmandu modules for working with statistical data

Catmandu::Stat contains modules for calculating statistics on the availability of fields in a data file.