
text search engine library

The Apache Lucene project develops open-source search software. The project releases a core search library named Lucene Core.


Libretro wrapper for Kodi's Game API

This add-on provides a wrapper that allows Libretro cores to be loaded as game add-ons. Libretro cores are shared libraries that use the Libretro API, so the wrapper is responsible for translating function calls between the Libretro API and the Game API.


file sync and backup too

can be used to synchronize data between different hosts or locally. (eg for a backup drive).


single-class semantic version implementation for java

Semantic-Version requires no further dependencies and is thereby easy to use within projects. Key features are:


Bridge between Windows applications and Speech dispatcher

It is already possible to use SAPI in Wine, however, the default Microsoft voices are not particularly responsive or diverse in terms of supported languages, and installing others and configuring them can be challenging without sighted assistance.


BioCOnductor BigWig and BAM related utilities

This package provides an R interface to Megadepth by Christopher Wilks available at It is particularly useful for computing the coverage of a set of genomic regions across bigWig or BAM files. With this package, you can build base-pair coverage matrices for regions or annotations of your choice from BigWig files. Megadepth was used to create the raw files provided by