
Binding to the libBF library; profiling libraries

LibBF is a C library for working with arbitray precision IEEE 754 floating point numbers.


astrometric (plate) solver, stacking of images, photometry and FITS viewer

ASTAP is a free stacking and astrometric solver (plate solver) program for deep sky images. In works with astronomical images in the FITS format, but can import RAW DSLR images or XISF, PGM, PPM, TIF, PNG and JPG images. It has a powerful FITS viewer and the native astrometric solver can be used by CCDCiel, NINA, APT or SGP imaging programs to synchronise the mount based on an image taken.


Protein Variation Effect Analyzer

PROVEAN (Protein Variation Effect Analyzer) is a software tool which predicts whether an amino acid substitution or indel has an impact on the biological function of a protein.


Lua bindings for Haskell; profiling libraries

This package provides bindings and types to bridge Haskell and Lua.


Qt 6 declarative development programs

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


library for scientific graphs (main runtime library)

A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave.