
connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL - modules

pgpool-II is a middleware that works between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client. This package contains support modules for the PostgreSQL 15 server:


Handle RuuviTag BLE devices

This library provides essential functionality to manage RuuviTag Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. It allows for the efficient parsing and interpreting of data transmitted by these devices, enabling users to monitor various environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Additionally, it supports the automatic discovery of RuuviTag devices once Bluetooth integration is enabled and operational. Users can ensure their devices are running the latest firmware to fully utilize the library's features. This library is well-suited for applications that require local data push from sensor devices.


gnuradio filter functions

Library of filter blocks used in gnuradio. Implements FIR, IIR and FFT filters, as well as Polyphase filterbank and PFB arbitrary resampler methods. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio fast Fourier transform functions

Library for Fourier transform techniques used in gnuradio. Uses single precision FFT from libfftw3-single3. Part of the main gnuradio build.


PostgreSQL RUM access method

This PostgreSQL extension provides the RUM access method, an inverted index with additional information in posting lists.


Symfony Ntyf Notifier Bridge

The Symfony Ntyf Notifier Bridge provides Ntfy integration for Symfony Notifier.