Python bindings for lilv
Lilv (formerly SLV2) is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using
LV2 Plugins as simple as possible (without sacrificing capabilities).
ASN.1 to C or C++ or IDL compiler, shared libraries
Snacc is short for "Sample Neufeld ASN.1 to C Compiler" and ASN.1
stands for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ITU-T X.208/ISO 8824).
Snacc supports a subset of ASN.1 1988. If you need features of
ASN.1 1992 or later, snacc is not for you.
ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBIOMSTAR
ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library
ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing
in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.
ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBIORAD
ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library
ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing
in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.
ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBIOLUM
ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library
ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing
in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.
ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBIOONERA
ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image
processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library
ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing
in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.