
Qt Components for Lomiri - Test QML plugin

Qt Components for Lomiri offers a set of reusable user interface components for Qt Quick 2 / QML.


GNU CLISP module that adds an interface to LIBSVM

GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation. It conforms to the ANSI Common Lisp standard, and offers many extensions. It runs on all desktop operating systems (GNU and Unix systems, macOS, Windows) and is particularly memory-efficient.


C library for x86/x86_64 CPU detection and feature extraction (shared lib)

libcpuid is a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction. Using it, you can:


GNU CLISP module that adds an interface to PARI

GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation. It conforms to the ANSI Common Lisp standard, and offers many extensions. It runs on all desktop operating systems (GNU and Unix systems, macOS, Windows) and is particularly memory-efficient.


CrowdSec bouncer for custom scripts

This package uses the CrowdSec API to fetch the latest decisions periodically, and passes them as arguments to a custom user script.


BSD-licensed Linux command line utilities

Toybox combines common Linux command line utilities together into a single BSD-licensed executable that's simple, small, fast, reasonably standards-compliant, and powerful enough to turn Android into a development environment.