High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - 64-bit (bigint) Shared Library
Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the
solution of large systems of linear equations.
High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - 64-bit (mixedint) Shared Library
Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the
solution of large systems of linear equations.
NVIDIA CUINJ Library (64-bit)
The Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) enables NVIDIA
graphics processing units (GPUs) to be used for massively parallel
general purpose computation.
Extended sphinx autodoc including automatic autosummaries (Python 3)
This sphinx extension provides some useful extensions to the Sphinxs autodoc
extension. Those are
* It creates a Table of Contents in the style of the autosummary extension
with methods, classes, functions and attributes
* As you can include the __init__ method documentation for via the
autoclass_content configuration value, it provides the autodata_content
configuration value to include the documentation from the __call__
* You can exclude the string representation of specific objects. E.g. if
you have a large dictionary using the not_document_data configuration
Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)
Python bindings to the Rust rpds crate for persistent data structures.
Library to model system information for local applications
This library provides a comprehensive data model for representing system
information on a local machine. It allows seamless integration with services
that utilize system metrics, offering access to key details such as CPU and
memory usage, system load, disk space, and more. The library communicates via
API/WebSocket to share this information efficiently. Additionally, it supports
executing commands remotely, such as opening URLs and sending keyboard inputs,
thus enhancing control over the system through programmable interfaces.