
font for organizing screws

This fonts provides glyphs for most common screwheads, e.g torx, Philips, Robertson and hex. It also contains size glyphs (both metric and imperial) for specifying the screw diameter (e.g M4). Additionally, symbols for the type of screw are provided (such as cylinder head, flat head, etc.).


Zild Database Library [runtime]

A small and easy to use database API written in C.


OpenMP vector operations library (SUNDIALS library)

This package provides implementations for all vector operations defined by the generic NVECTOR module in the table of operations for SUNDIALS (SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers).


modern BitTorrent client for GNOME

An easy to use BitTorrent client which can be used to transfer files via the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol, such as videos, music or installation images for Linux distributions.


constraint problem modelling language

FlatZinc is a low-level modelling language for constraint problems. It is designed to be easily interfaceable to constraint solvers (like Gecode). For more information on FlatZinc, please refer to the MiniZinc pages of the G12 project <>.


library to decode Smaky .IMAGE files

Fosfat is a C library for providing read-only access to a Smaky formatted disk. Currently, only a tool and a FUSE extension that use this library can be used for reading a directory and copying a file.