
intelligent phonetic input method library (tools)

libchewing is an intelligent phonetic input method library for Chinese.


Find data in arbitrary data structures

A simple Perl module that provides three simple subroutines to dive into an arbitrary data structure and extract references to internal data.


Simple utils to parse/build Well Known Text(WKT) format string.

This module can parse/build WKT format string into/from pure Perl data structure. It is simpler than Geo::WKT and does not depend on the Proj library, and even support MULTI(LINE|STRING|POLYGON) objects.


VTK libraries, Qt files

The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.


library implementing json-rpc C++ servers

This library provides classes to easily implement JSON-RPC C++ Server applications. It comes with a built in HTTP-Server connector (based on libmicrohttpd) for easy data exchange. It is fully JSON-RPC 2.0 and JSON-RPC 1.0 compatible, including:


library for stub generation of libjsonrpccpp based applications

This package provides the stub generator library for the libjson-rpc-cpp framework. It can automatically generate full functioning C++ and JavaScript JSON-RPC Client classes, which are ready to use.