
Google's Android SDK Build-Tools 25 Installer

This package will download the binary Google Android build tools and create a Debian package. The build tools are used in the process of assembling the java code into the APK package. They can also be useful for inspecting APKs.


Oracle support functions for PostgreSQL 14

This project implements some functions for compatibility with Oracle. The functionality was verified on Oracle 10g, and the module is useful for production work.


convert a filesystem into a static OCaml module (tool)

ocaml-crunch takes a directory of files and compiles them into a standalone OCaml module which serves the contents directly from memory. This can be convenient for libraries that need a few embedded files (such as a web server) and do not want to deal with all the trouble of file configuration.


portable interface for GPU BLAS - library

hipBLAS is a wrapper library that provides a common interface to rocBLAS and cuBLAS. The hipBLAS library is designed to help applications using cuBLAS to port their code to the ROCm platform.


tool to build Unified Kernel Images

This package provides ukify, a script that combines a kernel image, an initrd, with a command line, and possibly PCR measurements and other metadata, into a Unified Kernel Image (UKI).


complex camera support library

libcamera is a complex camera support library which handles low-level control of the camera devices, providing a unified higher-level programming interface to the applications.