
Python library for creating "editable wheels"

This library supports the building of wheels which, when installed, will expose packages in a local directory on sys.path in "editable mode". In other words, changes to the package source will be reflected in the package visible to Python, without needing a reinstall.


protein homology modelling engine

ProMod3 is a modelling engine based on the OpenStructure computational structural biology framework that can perform all steps required to generate a protein model by homology. Its modular design aims at implementing flexible modelling pipelines and fast prototyping of novel algorithms.


Run Tox tests in groups, stopping on errors

The `test-stages` library provides command-line tools that wrap Python test environment runners such as Tox or Nox, invoking them so as the various tests are run in parallel, in groups, as specified on the command line. This allows the fastest tests to be run first, and the slower ones to only be started if it makes sense (e.g. if tools like ruff or flake8 did not uncover any trivial syntax errors).


Python-Markdown extension adding a new block-level syntax (Python3)

This package extends the functionality of Python Markdown by turning a paragraph of text into a block that's specially highlighted and set apart from the rest of the text.


Command line OCR - shared library

This is a multi-platform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program.


protein homology modelling engine

ProMod3 is a modelling engine based on the OpenStructure computational structural biology framework that can perform all steps required to generate a protein model by homology. Its modular design aims at implementing flexible modelling pipelines and fast prototyping of novel algorithms.