
Documentation for the GIMP (Ukrainian)

This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.


Documentation for the GIMP (Simplified Chinese)

This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.


GNU Mach Interface Generator for amd64

This is the GNU distribution of the MIG, which is needed to compile the GNU C library, the GNU Hurd and GNU Mach.


Module for generating and validating HOTP and TOTP tokens

OneTimePass (actually ``onetimepass``) is a module for generating one-time passwords, namely HOTPs (HMAC-based one-time passwords) and TOTPs (time-based one-time passwords). They are used eg. within Google Authenticator application for Android or iPhone.


Notebook Extension to do one-way synchronization of git repo

nbgitpuller lets you distribute content in a git repository to your students by having them click a simple link. Automatic merging ensures that your students are never exposed to git directly. It is primarily used with a JupyterHub, but can also work on students' local computers.


Python interface to primecount -- Python 3

This is a Cython interface to the C++ library primecount.