
freetype2 bindings; profiling libraries

Bindings for freetype2, autogenerated by haskell-gi.


HDF5 High Level Fortran runtime files - OpenMPI version

Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) is a file format and library for storing scientific data. HDF5 was designed and implemented to address the deficiencies of HDF4.x. It has a more powerful and flexible data model, supports files larger than 2 GB, and supports parallel I/O.


Coq library for real analysis

This package provides a formalization of real analysis compatible with the Coq standard library.


Python language support for the CodeMirror code editor

CodeMirror is a code editor component for the web. It can be used in websites to implement a text input field with support for many editing features, and has a rich programming interface to allow further extension.


Subdomain discovery through alterations and permutations

This package contains a DNS recon tool that allows for the discovery of subdomains that conform to patterns. Altdns takes in words that could be present in subdomains under a domain (such as test, dev, staging) as well as takes in a list of subdomains that you know of.


C++20 coroutines for Qt6 - WebSockets

QCoro is a C++ library that provide set of tools to make use of C++20 coroutines in connection with certain asynchronous Qt6 actions.