
Retrieve data from the unofficial Smart Meter Texas API

This library allows for asynchronous connection to the unofficial Smart Meter Texas API using aiohttp. It supports obtaining the dashboard and current meter reading. Several other API endpoints are not implemented.


GNU R package for Various Utilities

The package covers groupwise statistics, LSmeans, linear estimates, and general utilities: 1) Facilities for working with grouped data: 'do' something to data stratified 'by' some variables. 2) LSmeans (least-squares means), general linear estimates. 3) Restrict functions to a smaller domain. 4) Miscellaneous other utilities.


GNOME introspection library for budgie-desktop (raven)

Budgie-Desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment which focuses on simplicity and elegance. It provides a traditional desktop metaphor based interface utilising customisable panel based menu driven system. Budgie-Desktop is written from scratch utilising many GNOME based sub-systems such as GVC and gnome-settings-daemon.


Asynchronous Python library for interacting with Switchbot API

This Python library offers asynchronous capabilities to interact with the Switchbot API, enabling control over both devices and remotes. The library supports commands such as device listing, status checking, and sending specific commands to devices.


Profile OpenCL devices to find peak capacities

Clpeak is a synthetic benchmarking tool to measure peak capabilities of opencl devices. It only measures the peak metrics that can be achieved using vector operations and does not represent a real-world use case


General purpose Language Server (program)

General purpose Language Server that can use specified error message format generated from specified command. This is useful for editing code with linter.