
RHVoice speech synthesizer - Esperanto voice

RHVoice uses statistical parametric synthesis. It relies on existing open source speech technologies (mainly HTS and related software).


Documentation for the GIMP (Romanian)

This package contains the documentation files for the GIMP designed for use with the internal GIMP help browser or external web browsers.


GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-AMD64 images)

GRUB is a portable, powerful bootloader. This version of GRUB is based on a cleaner design than its predecessors, and provides the following new features:


Module for generating and validating HOTP and TOTP tokens

OneTimePass (actually ``onetimepass``) is a module for generating one-time passwords, namely HOTPs (HMAC-based one-time passwords) and TOTPs (time-based one-time passwords). They are used eg. within Google Authenticator application for Android or iPhone.


YAML parser and renderer for Django REST Framework

This library exports a parser class and a renderer for the Django REST Framework, allowing YAML parsing et serialization.


real Embedded Algebraic Number Theory In C/C++ - libs

E-ANTIC is a C/C++ mathematical library to deal with real embedded number fields built on top of ANTIC; ANTIC is an Algebraic Number Theory library In C <https://github.com/wbhart/antic>. The aim of the E-ANTIC library is to have as fast as possible exact arithmetic operations and comparisons.