
processing and analyzing next generation sequencing and genotyping data library

libStatGen is a library for statistical genetic programs. It includes some: A. General Operation Classes including: File/Stream I/O, String processing and Parameter Parsing. B. Statistical Genetic Specific Classes including: Handling Common file formats (Accessors to get/set values, Indexed access to BAM files) and some utility classes, including: 1. Cigar: interpretation and mapping between query and reference. 2. Pileup: structured access to data by individual reference position.


Monte Carlo simulations of neutrons in crystals (library)

This is a source distribution of NCrystal, a library and associated tools which enables calculations for Monte Carlo simulations of thermal neutrons in crystals.


KIWI - Core host system dependencies

This meta-package installs the necessary system dependencies to run KIWI.


Laravel Serializable Closure provides an easy and secure way to serialize

closures in PHP This project is a fork of the opis/closure: 3.x package. It works without the FFI extension.


simple interface to HDF5 files of the Oxford Nanopore .fast5 file format

Ont_fast5_api is a simple interface to HDF5 files of the Oxford Nanopore .fast5 file format.


Microformats2 parser written in Python.

Implements the full mf2 spec, including backward compatibility with microformats1.