
gnuradio Qt graphical user interface functions

QT-based graphical sinks for gnuradio applications. Implements opengl, raster and native plotting methods, and supports a QT Style Sheet (QSS) file to adjust the look. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio filter functions

Library of filter blocks used in gnuradio. Implements FIR, IIR and FFT filters, as well as Polyphase filterbank and PFB arbitrary resampler methods. Part of the main gnuradio build.


GNU Objective-C compiler (multilib support)

This is the GNU Objective-C compiler, which compiles Objective-C on platforms supported by the gcc compiler.


Build Enum-like classes

Class::Type::Enum is a class builder for type-like classes to represent enumerated values. In particular, it was built to scratch an itch with DBIx::Class value inflation.


Free drop-in replacement for Math::Random

Math::Random::Free is free implementation of Math::Random, serving as drop-in replacement for this module.


Perl module to provide simple, correct readonly values

Readonly::Tiny provides a simple and correct way of making values readonly. Unlike Readonly it does not cause arrays and hashes to be tied, it just uses the core SvREADONLY flag.