Examples for the Python language (v3.10)
Examples, Demos and Tools for Python (v3.10). These are files included in
the upstream Python distribution (v3.10).
access to the system clipboard
node-copy-paste allows read/write (i.e copy/paste) access to the system
clipboard. It does this by wrapping xclip for Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD.
Reader for the MaxMind DB file format for PHP
This is the PHP extension for reading MaxMind DB files. MaxMind DB is a binary
file format that stores data indexed by IP address subnets (IPv4 or IPv6).
module allowing subs to build and return objects on-the-fly
Object::Result adds a new keyword to Perl: result
library interfacing small LCD displays
Library provides a Python 3 interface to small LCD displays connected to
Raspberry Pi and other Linux-based single-board computers (SBC).
It currently supports devices using the HD44780, PCD8544, ST7735, HT1621, and
UC1701X controllers. It provides a Pillow-compatible drawing canvas, and other
functionality to support:
scrolling/panning capability,
terminal-style printing,
state management,
color/greyscale (where supported),
dithering to monochrome
Image editing components
A QtQuick plugin providing Image editing components.