Matplotlib styles for scientific figures
Matplotlib styles to format your figures for scientific papers,
presentations and theses.
Terminal-emulator State Machine - runtime
TSM is a state machine for DEC VT100-VT520 compatible terminal
emulators. It tries to support all common standards while keeping
compatibility to existing emulators like xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, ..
JRC morphological and image processing library
Miallib is a C library including image processing and
mathematical morphology algorithms used by Join Research Center
in their Big Data Analytics Platform, with binding for Python
Swedish-Dutch dictionary for the dict server/client
This is the Swedish-Dutch dictionary from the FreeDict project. It contains
11834 headwords (FreeDict status: big enough to be useful). It can be either
used with the dictd server and a dict client or with GoldenDict.
GNUstep GUI Backend (headless)
It is a backend component for the GNUstep GUI Library.
The implementation of the GNUstep GUI Library is designed in two parts.
The first part is the front-end component which is independent of platform
and display system. This front-end is combined with a back-end
component which handles all of the display system dependent such as
specific calls to the X Window System.