
library of system-call-specific strerror repl

This package provides a library which may be used to explain Unix and Linux system call errors. The library is not quite a drop-in replacement for strerror, but it comes close, with each system call having a dedicated libexplain function.


robust solution of nonlinear equations - runtime files

NOX robustly solves and analyzes large-scale systems of nonlinear equations. NOX is short for Nonlinear Object-Oriented Solutions, and its objective is to enable the robust and efficient solution of the equation: F(x)=0 using globalized Newton methods such as line search and trust region methods. NOX is designed to work with any linear algebra package and to be easily customized.


hexahedral and quadrilateral mesh generator - runtime files

PAMGEN creates hexahedral or quadrilateral (in 2D) finite element meshes of simple shapes (cubes and cylinders) in parallel. When linked to an application as a library, it allows each process of a parallel simulation to generate its finite element domain representation at execution time.


Trilinos dense solvers package - runtime files

Pliris is an object-oriented interface to a LU solver for dense matrices on parallel platforms. These matrices are double precision real matrices distributed on a parallel machine.


rapid optimization library - runtime files

The Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) is a package for large-scale optimization. It is used for the solution of optimal design, optimal control and inverse problems in large-scale engineering applications. Other uses include mesh optimization and image processing.


reductions/transformation operators - runtime files

RTOp (reduction/transformation operators) provides the basic mechanism for implementing vector operations in a flexible and efficient manner.