
QGIS - shared gui library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.


QGIS - shared server library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.


QGIS - shared grass library

QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information.


X.509 PKI purely in OCaml (runtime)

X.509 is a public key infrastructure used mostly on the Internet. It consists of certificates which include public keys and identifiers, signed by an authority. Authorities must be exchanged over a second channel to establish the trust relationship. This library implements most parts of RFC5280 and RFC6125. The Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) defines encoding and decoding (in ASN.1 DER and PEM format), which is also implemented by this library - namely PKCS 1, PKCS 5, PKCS 7, PKCS 8, PKCS 9, PKCS 10, and PKCS 12.


exprSets for golub leukemia data

representation of public golub data with some covariate data of provenance unknown to the maintainer at present; now employs ExpressionSet format


format-independent image processing - C++ shared library

GraphicsMagick provides libraries in several programming languages to read, write and manipulate image files across a large number of formats, from the widely used jpeg, tiff, bmp or xpm to special-purpose formats such as fits or image formats found on some photo CDs. There are functions for finegrained image processing tasks, as well as conversion routines between the various image formats.