
Open-Source Computational Structural Biology Framework

OpenStructure aims to provide an open-source, modular, flexible, molecular modelling and visualization environment. It is targeted at interested method developers in the field of structural bioinformatics.


DAB and DAB+ encoder that integrates into the ODR-mmbTools

odr-audioenc is an encoder, which can read audio from a file (raw or wav), from an ALSA source, from JACK or using libVLC or GStreamer, and encode to a file, a pipe, to an EDI or ZeroMQ output compatible with ODR-DabMux.


Useful commands based on completing-read for Emacs

Consult provides practical commands based on the Emacs completion function completing-read. Completion allows you to quickly select an item from a list of candidates. Consult offers in particular an advanced buffer switching command consult-buffer to switch between buffers and recently opened files. Furthermore Consult provides multiple search commands, an asynchronous consult-grep and consult-ripgrep, and the line-based search command consult-line. Some of the Consult commands are enhanced versions of built-in Emacs commands. For example the command consult-imenu presents a flat list of the Imenu with live preview, grouping and narrowing. Please take a look at the full list of commands.


Common Print Dialog Backends - CUPS/IPP Backend

This is the CUPS/IPP backend for print dialogs using the Common Print Dialog Backends concept of OpenPrinting. It makes the dialog list CUPS print queues and driverless-capable IPP printers and allows printing on these using the dialog.


user feedback for applications - Qt 6 QML module

Framework for collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys.


gnuradio channels functions

Some channel oriented processing blocks. These functions are also in gnuradio-core. Part of the main gnuradio build.