Coq Constructive Repository at Nijmegen
This library provides different theories for Coq:
- an algebraic hierarchy with an axiomatic formalization
of the most common algebraic structures, like setoids,
monoids, groups, rings, fields, ordered fields, rings of
polynomials and real and complex numbers;
- a construction of the real numbers satisfying the above
axiomatic description;
- a proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra;
- a collection of elementary results on real analysis
including continuity, differentiability, integration,
Taylor's theorems and the fundamental theorem of calculus;
- tools for exact real computations like real numbers,
functions, integrals, graph of functions and differential
console bridge - library
ROS-independent, pure CMake (i.e. non-catkin and non-rosbuild
package) that provides logging calls that mirror those found in
rosconsole, but for applications that are not necessarily using ROS.
multiplayer network server for Wesnoth (branch 1.16)
This package contains the multiplayer network server for Wesnoth. You need it
if you want to host multiplayer games on your computer and don't want to use
the official servers.
Handy tools for working with URLs and APIs
The "apeye" package is a Python library that makes it easy to make API
calls asynchronously and conveniently. It provides a simple way to make
HTTP requests, handle responses, and handle errors, all in an asynchronous
"Dead Water" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.16)
This package contains the "Dead Water" campaign for Wesnoth:
"You are Kai Krellis, son and heir of the last merman king but only a child. A
necromancer is turning your subjects into undead slaves! Lead your people on a
mission to convince a powerful mer-sorceress to help you repel the invasion.
The oceans near the Northern Lands are perilous, so you will need cunning and
bravery to survive. But first you need to gain the respect of your troops!"
(Intermediate level, 10 scenarios)
GNU Modula-2 standard library (runtime library)
This is the GNU Modula-2 standard library that comes with the gm2 compiler.