
Ruff linting plugin for pylsp

python-lsp-ruff is a plugin for python-lsp-server that adds linting, code action and formatting capabilities that are provided by ruff, an extremely fast Python linter written in Rust.


Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (shared libraries)

Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand-alone executable.


Next generation, high-performance debugger

LLDB is a next generation, high-performance debugger. It is built as a set of reusable components which highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM Project, such as the Clang expression parser and LLVM disassembler.


Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (development files)

This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications.


libvirt bindings for PHP

libvirt-php is a php module that provides PHP bindings for libvirt virtualization toolkit and therefore you can access libvirt directly from your PHP scripts with no need to have virt-manager or libvirt-based CLI/GUI tools installed.


Python package for construction of PyQt/PySide stylesheets

qstylizer allows for both the construction of new stylesheets and the easy modification of existing ones using idiomatic Python code.