
Numerical optimization by Downhill Simplex method

This is an implementation of the Downhill Simpex Method in Multidimensions (Nelder and Mead) for finding the (local) minimum of a function. Doing this in Perl makes it easy for that function to actually be the output of another program such as a simulator.


Tk::TextUndo widget with capabilities syntax highlighting is a Tk::TextUndo widget with capabilities of syntax highlighting. At this moment only the Perl language is supported. The highlight mechanism however, is of a plugin-type. Adding additional languages should be a matter of writing Tk::CodeText::MyLanguage modules.


GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library -- shared libraries

Gail implements ATK interfaces for GTK widgets which are dynamically loadable at runtime by a GTK application. Once loaded, those parts of an application that use standard GTK widgets will have a basic level of accessibility, without the need to modify the application at all.


Adaptive GTK application which displays GNSS data

Satellite is an adaptive GTK / libhandy application which displays global navigation satellite system (GNSS: GPS et al.) data obtained from ModemManager API.


Core models for the Materials Project (Python 3)

The Materials API Toolkit for the Materials Project. Emmet-core defines the core models, data pipelines.


library for using Lua scripts from Python

This module provides an interface for using Lua scripts from Python. From Python, it allows complete access to all Lua variables and function. From Lua, it allows access to Python variables and functions that were passed to it by Python.