
gnuradio SoapySDR support

Soapy hardware drivers using the SoapySDR driver framework. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio core runtime

Top level component library. Defines core blocks. Handles settings for logging, performance counters, and control port. Part of the main gnuradio build.


gnuradio Qt graphical user interface functions

QT-based graphical sinks for gnuradio applications. Implements opengl, raster and native plotting methods, and supports a QT Style Sheet (QSS) file to adjust the look. Part of the main gnuradio build.


changes a given text to Title Caps

This package filter changes a given text to Title Caps, and attempts to be clever about SMALL words like a/an/the in the input. The list of "SMALL words" which are not capped comes from the New York Times Manual of Style, plus some others like 'vs' and 'v'. The filter employs some heuristics to guess abbreviations that don't need conversion.


gnuradio pmt container library

Polymorphic Types are opaque data types that are designed as generic containers of data that can be safely passed around between blocks and threads in GNU Radio. Part of the main gnuradio build.


Common Table Expressions (CTE) for Django

A Common Table Expression acts like a temporary table or view that exists only for the duration of the query it is attached to. django-cte allows common table expressions to be attached to normal Django ORM queries.