
simple app to censor images

Obfuscate is a simple app to redact private information from image files with either black boxes or with the less secure method of blurring.


Node.js library to allow one to fork processes with pseudoterminal file descript

node-node-pty provides forkpty bindings for node.js. This allows one to fork processes with pseudoterminal file descriptors. It returns a terminal object which allows reads and writes. This is useful for: * Writing a terminal emulator * Getting certain programs to think they are in a terminal


Code to handle I/O from/to data in CASA format

The casa-formats-io package is a small package which implements functionality to read data stored in CASA formats (such as .image datasets). This implementation is independent of and does not use casacore. The motivation for this package is to provide efficient data access via dask arraye, cross-platform data access, and data access with all modern Python versions.


Free Pascal - networking units dependency package

The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform-independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries.


JavaScript library to display math in browsers

MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers. It was designed with the goal of consolidating the recent advances in web technologies into a single, definitive, math-on-the-web platform supporting the major browsers and operating systems. It requires no setup on the part of the user (no plugins to download or software to install), so the page author can write web documents that include mathematics and be confident that users will be able to view it naturally and easily. Simply include MathJax and some mathematics in a web page, and MathJax does the rest.


automatic PXE and puppet-master installer for OpenStack - PoC

OCI (OpenStack Cluster Installer) is a software to provision an OpenStack clusters automatically. This package installs a provisioning machine, which uses the below components: * a DHCP server (isc-dhcp-server) * a PXE boot server (tftp-hpa) * a web server (apache2) * a puppet-master