common tools for Trilinos - runtime files
Teuchos provides a suite of common tools for Trilinos for developers to use.
These tools include BLAS/LAPACK wrappers, smart pointers, parameter lists, XML
parsers, etc.
conversion between Epetra and Teuchos objects - runtime files
Xpetra a lightweight wrapper to both Epetra and Tpetra. The Xpetra syntax
mirrors that of Tpetra. Xpetra enables algorithm developers to write to a
single interface but be able to use either Epetra or Tpetra. Xpetra can also be
introduced into existing code to allow for gradual migration.
server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary)
This package provides the Fast Process Manager interpreter that runs
as a daemon and receives Fast/CGI requests. Note that MOST Apache users
probably want the libapache2-mod-php8.1 package.