Library for the ZRTP key exchange protocol
Bzrtp is an open source implementation of the ZRTP key exchange protocol.
The library is written in C and C++. It is fully portable and can be executed
on many platforms including ARM and x86.
keyboard-based navigation and control (Chromium)
Vimium is a browser extension that provides keyboard-based navigation and
control of the web in the spirit of the Vim editor.
Library for interfacing with the OpenTherm Gateway
This library provides a means to interface with the OpenTherm Gateway over
serial or network connections. It enables communication with boilers and
thermostats for executing and receiving commands and status updates. Functions
include setting control setpoints, managing hot water override options, and
configuring GPIO pins. Through this library, one can obtain comprehensive
status information from the connected devices, selecting specific data points
like temperatures, pressure, and operational statuses. The library supports
both reading and writing operations to control connected heating systems
Pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test (Python 3)
Pytest-check is a plugin for the pytest framework that allows multiple
assertions to fail within a single test function without stopping the test
execution at the first failure.
Python library for detecting and launching browsers
Convenient browser detection and launch script in Python. It can
launch and get browser by version with wildcard support.
GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armel)
This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
building C++ programs which use libstdc++.