gnuradio channels functions
Some channel oriented processing blocks.
These functions are also in gnuradio-core.
Part of the main gnuradio build.
control and monitor control groups (library)
Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets
of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with
specialized behaviour.
Small tool for testing and debugging libsml
sml_server was originally intended as an example but is quite useful by itself.
Support files for Linux 6.6
This package provides support files for the Linux kernel build, e.g.
scripts to handle ABI information and for generation of build system meta
GNU Astronomy Utilities shared libraries
GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) is a collection of programs (the
`gnuastro' package) and librarires (this package along with
`libgnuastro-dev') for astronomical data analysis and manipulation.
The programs can be run on the command-line for efficient and easy
usage and the libraries can be used within C and C++ programs.
Mathematical Components library for Coq (algebra)
The Mathematical Components Library is an extensive and coherent
repository of formalized mathematical theories. It is based on the
Coq proof assistant, powered with the Coq/SSReflect language.