
openSUSE/SLES package management system (library)

libzypp is the package management library that powers applications like YaST, zypper and the openSUSE/SLE implementation of PackageKit.


Neutron ray-trace simulation - Perl command-line tools

McStas is a tool for carrying out Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations of neutron scattering instruments with high complexity and precision. The simulations can compute all aspects of the performance of instruments and can thus be used to optimize the use of existing equipment, design new instrumentation, and carry out virtual experiments for e.g. training, experimental planning or data analysis.


connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL - modules

pgpool-II is a middleware that works between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client. This package contains support modules for the PostgreSQL 16 server:


PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data

LIDAR sensors quickly produce millions of points with large numbers of variables measured on each point. The challenge for a point cloud database extension is efficiently storing this data while allowing high fidelity access to the many variables stored.


pre prepare your PostgreSQL statements server side

The pre_prepare module for PostgreSQL aims to prepare all your statements as soon as possible and in a way that allows client queries not to bother at all and just call EXECUTE.


anti-virus utility for Unix - test files

Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav, which can be used by other software.