Utility functions for higher level dLeyna components
dleyna-core is a library of utility functions that are used by the higher
level dLeyna libraries that communicate with DLNA devices, e.g.,
dleyna-server. In brief, it provides APIs for logging, error, settings and
task management and an IPC abstraction API.
C++ language support for the CodeMirror code editor
CodeMirror is a code editor component for the web. It can be used in
websites to implement a text input field with support for many editing
features, and has a rich programming interface to allow further extension.
OpenType and TrueType Hebrew fonts
14 Hebrew font families of various traditional and modern fonts.
Python 3 bindings for dLeyna
dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components
designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into
their applications.
library for counting CPU cycles
libcpucycles provides a simple API to access hardware precise timers
to understand and improve software performance.