Russian pronunciation dictionary access library (runtime)
RuLex database is primarily intended for use along with the
Ru_tts speech synthesizer in order to improve its pronunciation.
Library for accessing Zurich's waste disposal schedule
This library enables interaction with Zurich's waste management services,
allowing users to obtain the next pickup date for various waste types. It
accesses the OpenERZ API to gather data from Entsorgung und Recycling Zürich
(ERZ), providing timely and localized waste disposal information. Users can
specify the postal code and type of waste, such as paper, cardboard, or
organic material, making it possible to programmatically check waste
collection schedules under specific parameters.
BCJ (Branch-Call-Jump) filter for Python
In data compression, BCJ, short for Branch-Call-Jump, refers to a
technique that improves the compression of machine code of executable
binaries by replacing relative branch addresses with absolute ones.
This allows a LZMA compressor to identify duplicate targets and
archive higher compression rate.
Support files for Linux 6.11
This package provides support files for the Linux kernel build, e.g.
scripts to handle ABI information and for generation of build system meta
Data Plane Development Kit (librte-rawdev runtime library)
DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run
in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.
Data Plane Development Kit (librte-raw-skeleton runtime library)
DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run
in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.