Plugin for proper resolve intersphinx references for Qt elements
This is plugin to add cross-link to qt documentation for Python code created
with PyQt5 or PySide2.
Currently, it supports qtpy, wrappers and PyQt5, PySide2,
PyQt6 and PySide6.
This extension provides one configuration option qt_documentation
with possible values:
Incrementally updatable Euclidean distance transform library
The dynamicEDT3D library implements an incrementally updatable Euclidean
distance transform (EDT) in 3D. It comes with a wrapper to use the OctoMap
3D representation and hooks into the change detection of the OctoMap library
to propagate changes to the EDT.
3D occupancy grid mapping approach library for mapping
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach,
providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++ particularly suited
for robotics. The map implementation is based on an octree and is designed
to meet the following requirements: Full 3D model, Updatable, Flexible and
Compact. This package contains the library itself.
Visualization library for OctoMap
Visualization library for the OctoMap library based on Qt and libQGLViewer.
This library encapsulates the functions to view a Octomap octrees. It
provides an API to visualizate the octree.
Utility libraries related to Java reflection
Various utility libraries related to Java reflection from the plume-lib