
modification of VCF files with SURVIVOR

SURVIVOR is a tool set for simulating/evaluating structural variations, merging and comparing SVs within and among samples, and includes various methods to reformat or summarize structural variations.


Python package for configuring a Python package

Donfig is a Python library meant to make configuration easier for other Python packages. Donfig can be configured programmatically, by environment variables, or from YAML files in standard locations.


DEX external dependency dump

This tool dumps a list of fields and methods that a DEX file uses but does not define. When combined with a list of public APIs, it can be used to determine whether an APK is accessing fields and calling methods that it shouldn't be. It may also be useful in determining whether an application requires a certain minimum API level to execute.


colorize help messages in click (Python 3.x)

Colorization of help messages in Click. Improves the readability of help messages.


click completion support for different types of shells (Python 3.x)

Automatic completion support for different types of shells for Click. All the supported shells are able to complete all the command line arguments and options defined with Click.


Debian system administration guide, Indonesian translation

This Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of the Debian system as a post-installation user's guide. It covers many aspects of system administration through shell-command examples for non-developers.