
Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster - all agents

Red Hat Fence Agents is a collection of scripts to handle remote power management for several devices. They allow failed or unreachable nodes to be forcibly restarted and removed from the cluster.


Fence Agents for Red Hat Cluster - Nutanix AHV agent

Red Hat Fence Agents is a collection of scripts to handle remote power management for several devices. They allow failed or unreachable nodes to be forcibly restarted and removed from the cluster.


library to show version control in Dolphin

This library enables developers to expand Dolphin with the ability to show version control status in directories that are version controlled.


Library for communication with Met Éireann Weather APIs

This library facilitates interaction with the Met Éireann Public Weather Forecast and Weather Warning APIs. It enables access to weather forecasts and warnings for regions including Ireland, the UK, and parts of northern France. Users can retrieve current weather conditions and predictions, allowing applications to process detailed meteorological data. The library operates independently and is not associated or endorsed by Met Éireann.


Implementation of the XDG Specifications for Qt (shared lib)

This library implements functions of the XDG Specifications in Qt. It is part of LXQt.


generic USB-C port management library

libtypec provides a generic interface abstracting all platform complexity for efficient userspace USB-C port management.