
ORFEO Toolbox library - OTBExtendedFileName

ORFEO Toolbox (OTB) is distributed as an open source library of image processing algorithms. OTB is based on the medical image processing library ITK and offers particular functionalities for remote sensing image processing in general and for high spatial resolution images in particular.


GNU R format output of various routines

This package enabled formatting output of various routines in a suitable way for reports and Publication A bunch of convenience functions that transform the results of some basic statistical analyses into table format nearly ready for publication. This includes descriptive tables, tables of logistic regression and Cox regression results as well as forest plots.


efficient, immutable, thread-safe collection classes for Ruby

The immutable-ruby gem provides 6 Persistent Data Structures: Hash, Vector, Set, SortedSet, List, and Deque (which works as an immutable queue or stack).


GNU R Prediction Error Curves for risk prediction models in survival

Analysis Validation of risk predictions obtained from survival models and competing risk models based on censored data using inverse weighting and cross-validation. Most of the 'pec' functionality has been moved to 'riskRegression'.


Differential transcript and gene expression with inferential replicates

Fishpond contains methods for differential transcript and gene expression analysis of RNA-seq data using inferential replicates for uncertainty of abundance quantification, as generated by Gibbs sampling or bootstrap sampling. Also the package contains utilities for working with Salmon and Alevin quantification files.


GNU R mode estimation

Provides estimators of the mode of univariate data or univariate distributions.