library of unrelated but useful C++ classes
cxxtools contains an argument-parser, a base-64 encoder/decoder, a
C++ interface to iconv, md5-stream for easy MD5 calculation,
threading classes, socket classes, a dynamic exception-safe buffer, a
wrapper for dlopen/dlsym, a pool template (e.g., for a connection
pool in a multi-threaded application), query_params, and a class for
easy parsing of CGI parameters (GET and POST) in a CGI program.
astrometric (plate) solver, stacking of images, photometry and FITS viewer
ASTAP is a free stacking and astrometric solver (plate solver) program for
deep sky images. In works with astronomical images in the FITS format, but
can import RAW DSLR images or XISF, PGM, PPM, TIF, PNG and JPG images. It
has a powerful FITS viewer and the native astrometric solver can be used
by CCDCiel, NINA, APT or SGP imaging programs to synchronise the mount
based on an image taken.
Google's Android SDK Platform 33 Installer
This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 33 package and
unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.
Google's Android SDK Platform Baklava Installer
This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform Baklava package and
unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.
CMake build system for ROS 2 ament packages (flake8)
The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2.
ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.
CMake build system for ROS 2 ament packages (cppcheck)
The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2.
ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.