
Russian pronunciation dictionary access library (runtime)

RuLex database is primarily intended for use along with the Ru_tts speech synthesizer in order to improve its pronunciation.


PostgreSQL RUM access method

This PostgreSQL extension provides the RUM access method, an inverted index with additional information in posting lists.


connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL - modules

pgpool-II is a middleware that works between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client. This package contains support modules for the PostgreSQL 15 server:


shim layer for notebook traits and config

This project provides a way for JupyterLab and other frontends to switch to Jupyter Server for their Python Web application backend.


Audio plugin collection from DISTRHO (CLAP plugins)

Collection of DPF-based plugins in CLAP format.


PostgreSQL anti-virus scanner based on ClamAV

pg_snakeoil provides functions scanning PostgreSQL data for viruses using the ClamAV anti-virus engine.